Having ‘one on one time’ with your kids

Prioritize one-on-one time with your kids. During this time, look them in the eyes, make physical contact, compliment them, and thank them. Sit and read with them, and make bedtime a special time. Show your love through quality time and affection.

Love your child unconditionally. Help your child set achievable goals and encourage persistence. Give your child choices and discourage the pursuit of perfection. Teach them that your love is unconditional. A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to their parents will not have true respect for anyone.

Develop a memory bank for your child, creating ‘Happy Memories.’ This ‘Happy Memories Bank’ pays the highest and lifelong dividends to your kids, making it the most precious legacy you can bestow upon them. Creating these memories during holidays and festive seasons builds a loving, solid, and secure foundation for them to grow up. It gives them a childhood they can look back on with fondness, making life sweeter for all. Each day, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.

Consistency and routine are key aspects of good parenting. It provides children with a sense of control and fosters independence, considering their age and stage of development.

Here are four ways to spend quality time with your child:

  1. Ask them about their life experiences and interests, and engage in meaningful conversations.
  2. Join in on a hobby or work on projects of mutual interest.
  3. Cook a meal together, fostering teamwork and culinary skills.
  4. Share your own life experiences and stories with them.

Sharing your time with your children is an essential investment in their future and the next generation, which will yield marvelous rewards in the future. If you haven’t started, don’t dwell in regret; take the first step now!

Posted by:
Annie David

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