Formulating and devicing Vision Statement

The average vision statement is about 35 words, or two to three sentences. This length seems to be about right for effectively communicating the vision statement to family members or  employees. It is long enough to clearly describe the vision but not so long as to be difficult to remember Vision boards, and dream boards. 

 Include changes in attitudes. The challenge you see in front of you is only the part of the problem you can see the rest of the challenge is deeper and often involves personal attitudes that may be strongly held. As a leader you need to include a clear picture of your personal role, not just that of your organisation or family, if you’re  one. This isn’t about ego. It’s about you taking full responsibility for helping achieve the results you want.

Personal Vision Statement Examples

“To achieve and remain at my ideal weight for the rest of my life and show others how to do the same.”

 Have a Timeline in Mind

A timeline means  a finish line. Don’t give yourself any reason to put your vision off until tomorrow. If you’ve paid attention, and followed all the rules when creating your vision statement, you should feel no trepidation in starting now. Give yourself a time that it needs to be done, or at least a timeline where you need to have made a certain amount of progress.

Personal Vision Statement Examples:

“To rid people of their concern, because life is too short to be stressed all the time, and in the end, what concerns us right now rarely holds the same importance to us in the future. – include your Core Values

Name the ideals that matter to you. When you know what you value, you can then work to add more of that into the world. You could inspire others to be more courageous or fight against the dishonesty you abhor.

 Strive to Create Rewarding Experiences

What internal reward will you get from your vision? Life is not all about having an impact on the world but we will learn to fall in love with ‘just living’ as we become better and achieve our set ambitions and goals.

Posted by:
Annie David

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