Incredible/Supernatural possibilities of a Spoken Word

In our vain imaginations we are forced to go out to pasture in our thoughts. At such times like this it turns out to be disastrous. The mind then starts to think of itself as old and will begin to confess, “I am retired now. I am too old to do anything productive.” The body will respond to these words and begin to age more rapidly. This does not mean that all retired people are unproductive or are forced to retire because they are no longer of use. But it does seem like that to many retired people. Age is more than chronology; it is a state of mind. That mind is influenced by the words which are spoken.

Our words can make the difference if we learn to use them effectively. We can either spend our Christian lives without proper control over our words or we will see their importance, power and creativity and use them for the purpose that God originally intended. Let your words be positive and productive. Meditate upon the positive and creative things. Fill your mind with the word of God and you will be able to see the word of God coming forth from your lips naturally.

The words we speak can mend a broken heart and also help repair a shattered mind. They can also destroy a person’s confidence and make people worthless. So choose your words carefully.

We need to be aware of the benefits of the power of the words. It helps us see the possibilities rather than keeping us stuck in our negative or worrisome thought patterns. The more we expose ourselves to positive words, the more the brain registers the importance we place on feeling good. Our neural networks of “optimism” are strengthened.

There are many studies and experiments done on plants in which the same plants were placed in three separate rooms. In one room kind words were spoken, in the second harsh words were spoken and in the third room, there was pin-drop silence. The results showed that the plants which were exposed to kind words grew a little more than the other two. What does it show?It shows that words are important. They affect all living beings. If they can affect plants, imagine the impact they would have on humans.

Posted by:
Annie David

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